Contact SAULT

SAULT currently has two store locations; in Boston and Portsmouth. Store address, hours, and contact info is provided below. You may contact a store directly by phone or email, or contact a store directly by phone or email, or from the Customer Care links.

Customer Care

For Online Orders:

Returns & Shipping

Store Locations


  • Location:
    577 Tremont St.
    Boston, MA 02118

    (857) 239-9434
  • Store Hours:
    Monday: 10am - 6pm
    Tuesday: 10am-6pm
    Wednesday: 10am-6pm
    Thursday: 10am-6pm
    Friday: 10am – 7pm
    Saturday: 10am - 7pm
    Sunday: 10am - 5pm


  • Location:
    10 Market Square
    Portsmouth, NH 03801

    (603) 766-9434
  • Store Hours:
    Monday: 10am - 6pm
    Tuesday: 10am-6pm
    Wednesday: 10am-6pm
    Thursday: 10am-6pm
    Friday: 10am – 7pm
    Saturday: 10am - 7pm
    Sunday: 10am - 5pm

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